Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Wiki


2252496-manthing2012001 adams

Affiliations: Solo D8, Buddy D4, Team D6

Distinctions: Man or Monster?, Empath, Speechless


Nexus of All Realities:

Teleport D12

Limit: Bound to the Nexus-of-All-Realities - Step Down Teleport if Man-Thing Leaves Florida and add D6 to the doom pool.

Monstrous Physiology:

Godlike Stamina D12, Superhuman Durability D10, Burning Touch D8, Intangibility D6, Superhuman Strength D10,

SFX: Immunity - Immune to disease, drowning,

SFX: All who know fear burn at the Man-Thing's touch! - If a character in a scene takes emotional stress, step up Burning Touch.

SFX: Reform From the Muck - When stressed out in a Scene, spend a doom die and Man-Thing can no longer act in the Scene but takes no trauma.

Limit: No Fear - If no character in a scene has taken emotional stress, add D6 to the doom pool and shut down Burning Touch and step down all Monstrous Physiology powers except for Intangibility.


Menace Master D10
