Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Wiki



(David Breyer, secret)

Armada is reputed to be the finest corporate thief there is, so much so that few people even know of his existence. He 'acquires hard to get items' for a profit using a high tech battlesuit and an team of robots. Armada has no superhuman abilities but wears a battlesuit that gives him the ability to fly, enhanced strength and the ability to shoot beams of energy. The back pack of the suit also houses the multitude of robots that Armada employs to aid him in his crimes. Each robot is unique in some respects, including each having its own unique name (all female).

Affiliations: Solo D4, Buddy D8, Team D6

Distinctions: Drone “Girls”, High-Tech Thief, Mercenary

Power Sets:


Energy Blast D8, Enhanced Strength D8, Superhuman Durability D10, Subsonic Flight D8, Technology Control D8

SFX: Assist. If a pool includes a Powered Battlesuit and a Mico-Drones power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one stepped-up die.

SFX: Versatile. Split Energy Blast into 2d6.

Limit: Charged System. Shutdown a power to add that power die to the doom pool. Activate an opportunity to recover.


Energy Blast D8, Enhanced Strength D8, Subsonic Flight D8, Tools D8, Weapon D8

SFX: Concentrate Fire. Activate this SFX if you control at least three drones with the Energy Blast power. The entire drone squad targets the same character. Add 2d6 and keep an additional effect die.

SFX: Immunity. Spend a doom die to have a drone ignore stress, trauma, or complications from disease, fatigue, poison, or psychic attack.

SFX: Launch Drone. Spend an asset or resource die, or a die from the doom pool to create a drone specialty character with a D6 team affiliation dice, a specialty character die equal to the spend die -1 and any two of the powers above.

SFX: Robotic Inventions. When creating a Tech-based assets or resources, add a D6 and step up your effect die.

Limit: Drone Armada. Any power from this power set can only be used, if an appropriate drone is created with the Launch Drone SFX. A drone can be shut down by stressing out its affiliation die with D8 stress.

Specialties: Acrobatic Expert D8, Crime Master D10, Science Expert D8, Tech Expert D8
